Cloud Consulting

Find the best cloud solution for your business

Home Cloud Consulting
Service We Deliver

You Choose the Clouds. We’ll Manage Them for You.

We support and manage the world’s leading cloud platforms, saving you the pain and complexity of doing it yourself.

Public Cloud

Multi-tenant environment with pay-as-you-grow scalability, ideal for heavy or unpredictable traffic


Hybrid Cloud

Connect public clouds, private clouds, and/or traditional dedicated servers for an individual application


Private Cloud

Single tenant dedicated servers or virtualization – for maximum security, in or out of your data center


Business Collaboration

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Team Brainstorming

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Business Collaboration

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coding & Design

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Team Brainstorming

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Find the best cloud solution for your business

As a cloud solution provider we let you decide which cloud based services you need for your business. Then we innovate to provide exactly what your business is crying out for. We provide a range of consulting services applying our expertise and experience to help you devise the best cloud computing solution for your business

Our method is simple and that’s what makes it revolutionary. Each business needs a customisable managed IT service which is why we work closely with you to understand the current situation including operational, financial and security assessments. In step 2, we guide you through our cloud advisory process, including an initial IT requirement valuation, cloud solution design, implementation and everyday management.

We Can Help You Succeed

Cloud Advisory Process

With so many different options in the market we understand that picking the ideal cloud based services can be a daunting task. Is your best solution on-premise IT, a private, hybrid or public cloud approach, Infrastructure as a Service, Software as a Service, Microsoft Office 365? This is where our cloud technology specialists step in to review your managed IT service needs and help you find the right option for your business.


Review of business plans and technology challenges within your business


Complete review of all current IT infrastructure and applications – Pain points, risks, what works and doesn’t work


Recommendations for cloud adoption strategy


Written report and presentation of findings


Analysis of cloud readiness

Cloud consulting is a process took up or adopted by the business consultants to help businesses to adopt cloud-based services through perfect explanation of its benefits. We know that cloud computing represents a profound transformation in IT infrastructure and enables organizations to perform efficiently. It also provides scalability and responsiveness to the organizations and drives growth and revenue.


ChenSoft is one of the best cloud consulting companies. We at ChenSoft work with our clients to assess the suitability for the cloud, help them choose the precise platforms and help them to put their best foot forward. Our key strength is to enable our clients to evaluate cloud readiness quotient and adopt cloud technologies through well-defined maturity models.

Pricing Plan

great price plan for you!

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Basic Plan

$39/Per Month

Mobile Application

Android App Design

Mobile App Development

Software Development


Professional Plan

$59/Per Month

Android App Design

Mobile App Development

Software Development

Data Security

Advance Plan

$79/Per Month

Mobile Application

Android App Design

Mobile App Development

Software Development